Below are direct quotes from collectors of my babies, and I thank all of them for taking the time to contact me and let me know what they think of their Dream Baby Dolls:

Hallo Crystal :-)
Bonnie is so beautiful and wonderfully real, she really steals my heart, her face, her skin tones are the best, she is the best!!! I love her!

Hi Crystal :)

Thank you SO much for my new baby, I love her lots :)
You are my FAVORITE reborn baby artist, your amazing!
I was hoping so much you could make me another reborn :)

Hi Crystal,

 Oh My Gosh, How amazing does both their little heads of hair look and the gorgeous eyelashes on little Skye. They both look so beautiful !!!

You have done such an amazing job !!!!! I knew that I had picked the perfect person for the job, Thank you ever so much !!!!